At Simonton Community Church, we are all about creating a culture of intentional families. We are providing these HomePoint resources to help you become intentional about building a God-honoring home one step at a time. Take advantage of these tools designed to inspire and equip faith@home intentionality.

A Simple Process

We encourage families to follow three steps every 120 days:

  1. Assess your level of intentionality over the past 120 days
  2. Identify your specific family seasons (Use the resources below)
  3. Create your own HomePoint Plan for the next 120 days


What are Pointers?

With more than two dozen topics, Pointers provide a biblical perspective on common family seasons and challenges along with recommended “going further” resources.


What are Recipe Cards?

Recipe cards are designed to give couples and families one idea they can implement this week to become more intentional about date night or faith@home activities such as family night, movie night, mealtime moments, bedtime blessings, etc.